Best Apps for Deaf Travellers
Can’t get enough of exploring exotic destinations and learning about different cultures and histories? The travel bug can hit anyone at any age, and it’s a wonderful “condition” to have. But for some, traveling isn’t always easy or convenient, and for the deaf community, that can certainly be true. While there is no reason to let it stop you from traveling, it can pose some specific challenges to your plans.
To ensure your travels are as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we’ve compiled a list of the best smartphone apps for deaf and hard-of-hearing travelers. While most of these aren’t specifically for deaf travelers, we highly recommend you try each of these out before your travels to ensure you pick the best ones for your needs.
Google Maps
There’s no question that Google Maps is a must-have. Even if you don’t use any other apps, Google Maps will transform the way you travel because it doesn’t just help you with driving directions; it also provides public transportation, biking, and even walking directions and approximate times.
But Google Maps goes much deeper than just directions; it also provides location information regarding restaurants, shopping, museums, and attractions.
If you don’t have data when traveling internationally, you can download the maps to your device in advance and be able to access directions offline.
Google Translate
Speaking of handy Google apps, the Google Translate app is ideal when traveling internationally, as language barriers can be a problem for even the most seasoned travelers. Simply key in the word or phrase in English and—voila—see it translated into a different language. Just this year, the app added more than 100 languages to its library, which means it now supports over 240.
Like all Google apps, Google Translate can be used on Apple and Android devices, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility.
Babel English Video Dictionary
While translation tools are certainly helpful, they may not be ideal in all situations. The Babel English Video Dictionary app can be perfect in situations where you need a quick answer. You can search through popular phrases that are accompanied by video examples. This video dictionary goes much further than basic translations and can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.
Public Transportation App
It’s also a good idea to download the host destination’s public transportation app, if available. This will allow you to easily navigate the public transportation system, saving you time, hassle, and even money compared to using a taxi service or Uber. If you are visiting multiple cities and countries on your vacation, make sure you research all the different transportation apps in advance.
Citymapper App
If you can’t find a specific public transportation app for the host destination, another option is the Citymapper app. This is a more general app in that it supports many major cities across the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. It adds new cities regularly, so it’s worth checking back on if the city you’re planning to visit isn’t on it yet. If you’re curious about which cities are supported, check out its support page. The Citymapper app is compatible with Android and Apple devices and has even won awards.
To use the app, begin by selecting the city you are in and key in a start and end point. You can either type in a specific address or drop a pin on the map. What’s cool is the additional information it provides. Yes, you get basic directions by foot, cycling, and cab, along with the estimated time, but it also tells you the calories you’ll burn and the cost of the transportation method.
This app is perfect for travel, but you may find you like it so much that you end up using it at home too.
Looking for a universally used chat-based app? WhatsApp gives you an easy way to communicate with people while abroad. You can talk to friends and family back home without the need for an expensive text messaging plan and roaming and stay in touch with your travel companions while you’re off doing your own thing. It makes meeting up and staying in touch a breeze.
Wordscapes App
Wordscapes won’t help you communicate or understand directions, but it can be the perfect casual gaming app to help you fight boredom. Traveling often involves large chunks of time spent in transit, and sightseeing out the window can only capture your attention for so long. Casual gaming apps are also perfect for downtime in your hotel room or when you just need a little break from touring.
The Wordscapes app is the perfect example of casual gaming as you don’t need any prior experience, you can play it whenever, and you can even participate in tournaments. Best of all, there are no mandatory in-app purchases.
Casino Apps
Maybe your idea of casual gaming leans towards casino games, and if that’s the case, online casino apps are the way to go. These apps pride themselves on being just as exciting as a physical casino, providing all the same thrills and fun—but from anywhere! To ensure you’re playing at legitimate sites, reviews all legal US online casinos.
Some of the games you’ll be able to play through these casino apps include slots, blackjack, roulette, and poker.
Technology Can Be Used to Deter Potential Challenges
The one thing that all of these apps have in common is that they provide deaf travelers with a way to deter potential challenges. These become even more useful when traveling abroad and experiencing language barriers and directional challenges.